Significant financial support to Whānau Āwhina Plunket is a key focus of the Foundation. We share Plunket’s vision of providing the best start in life for tamariki of Aotearoa.
The Foundation has donated $3m over the past six years to Plunket. Families and whānau across the country can enjoy Plunket’s free community services and breastfeeding help and advice.
Thanks to the donation, PlunketLine staff have been trained as lactation consultants who can support breastfeeding mums at any time and offer video-calling technology. This means mums struggling to breastfeed can now show their PlunketLine lactation consultant how their baby is latching - allowing consultants to offer better and more targeted advice. The donation also helped Plunket take its Plunket Health Records online.
Current support has been provided to the Whirihia programme, a kaupapa Māori pregnancy, childbirth and parenting programme in the Waikato, supporting whānau in a wānanga format.