The Vision
For a person to prosper they need roots and wings. Strong roots of security, traditions and strength enable a person to discover a sense of self, grow wings and fly.
Our logo incorporates a puriri tree, a New Zealand bellbird and the rising sun. There's a story behind it all.
A long time ago both my husband's and my own family followed the Southern Cross to this fair land. We are both of Celtic ancestry, stemming from the ancient people of Central and Western Europe- a mixture of Irish Scottish, Welsh and English traditions. We are now fifth generation New Zealanders.
From here on in I can only speak of that which influenced me to design this logo. Mulling on what was meaningful to me, to our family, I noticed an embroidery I had completed back in 1988 for one of our children. The stitching shows a bird on a tree with the words I had embroidered there: "There are two special gifts we can give our children, one is roots, the other is wings."
That said it all. The tree had to be native to New Zealand, as did the bird. The tree must be evergreen and the bird must be of special significance. The search led me to my favourite tree on the farm - the puriri or taketakerau or millennium tree. A search uncovered the meaning given by Maori to the tree: “old trunk to support many leaves”, or “a strong society can support many people”. I had found that which resonated through the core of my being.
The tree symbolises shelter and sustenance, the roots keep the tree intact and are able to withstand the ravages of time.
I turned my thoughts to the bird and what it might best represent. Taking it to the family for their feedback, they all embraced the concept. The korimako (bellbird) was the one because, "Great singers and orators were praised by being compared to the korimako, a beautiful singer," according to The Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand. They are known to live and thrive in the puriri tree, so they completed the message created by our logo.